Package org.relayirc.chatengine

The org.relayirc.chatengine provides higher level IRC classes such as Server, Channel and User.


Interface Summary
ChannelListener Implement this interface to listen to channel events incuding messages, joins, parts, bans and kicks.
ChannelSearchListener Inteface for listening to progress of a channel search.
ChatOptionListener Currently not used: ChatOption provides standard beans property change support and thats good enough for now.
IChatObject Interface for a chat data object, created for use by PropDlg and PropPanel.
ServerListener Implement this interface to listen for server connection and disconnection, channel joins and parts and status messages.

Class Summary
Channel An IRC channel class that includes methods for joining, parting, kicking, banning, adding/removing channel listeners and property change support.
ChannelAdapter Provides a default do-nothing implementation of ChannelListener.
ChannelEvent Event fired by a channel.
ChannelSearch Channel searcher.
Server Manages a connection to an IRC server and handles incoming messages by creating channel objects, routing messages to channel objects and routing events to server listeners.
ServerAdapter Provides a default do-nothing implementation of ServerListener.
ServerEvent Event fired by a Server.
User Represents the current user or a user who has been queried via WHOIS.

Package org.relayirc.chatengine Description

The org.relayirc.chatengine provides higher level IRC classes such as Server, Channel and User. Depends on the org.relayirc.core and org.relayirc.util packages as well as a Java 1.1 compatible subset of the Java class libraries. With this package, you can work at a higher level of abstraction. The chat engine package provides classes that represent IRC servers, channels and users. You can choose to listen to server-level messages or to listen to an individual channel.  The major players in the chat engine package are shown and discussed below.