Uses of Class

Packages that use Server
org.relayirc.chatengine The org.relayirc.chatengine provides higher level IRC classes such as Server, Channel and User. 

Uses of Server in org.relayirc.chatengine

Methods in org.relayirc.chatengine that return Server
 Server ServerEvent.getServer()
          Get associated Server object, or null if not applicable.
 Server Channel.getServer()
          Get the channel's server, which may be null.

Methods in org.relayirc.chatengine with parameters of type Server
 void Channel.setServer(Server server)
          Set the server to be used by this channel.

Constructors in org.relayirc.chatengine with parameters of type Server
Channel(java.lang.String name, Server server)
          Construct channel with server.
Channel(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String topic, int ucount, Server server)
          Channel with name, topic, user count and a server.
ChannelSearch(Server server)
          Channel search needs a server.
ServerEvent(Server src)
          Event with no associated value.
ServerEvent(Server src, Channel channel)
          Event associated with a channel.
ServerEvent(Server src, Server server)
          Event associated with server.
ServerEvent(Server src, java.lang.String message)
          Event associated with status message.
ServerEvent(Server src, java.lang.String[] usersOn)
          Event associated with a user.
ServerEvent(Server src, java.lang.String orgnick, java.lang.String targnick, java.lang.String chan)
          Invite with origin nick, target nick and channel name.
ServerEvent(Server src, User user)
          Event associated with a user.